Daily Devotional

Not A Victim

7th Novermber 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 3: 1-11


“And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;” (Acts 3: 2)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the man who was lame from his mothers’ womb. A womb is meant to protect the child until it is ready to be birthed, but this particular womb allowed lameness to happen. The environment that was meant to grow the child ended up deforming the child. The environment that was meant to protect the child made him vulnerable. The man was positioned in an environment worked against him.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: no environment will work against you. The environment of your family will not work against you. The environment of your career will not work against you. The environment of your business will not work against you. The city where you live will not work against you. The locale where you ply your trade will not work against you. The environment of your ministry will not work against you.

The womb was meant to nurture, but it became an environment that supported lameness. So that man would later be a victim of what happened in his environment. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not be a victim of what happens in your environment. You will not be cut short because of your environment. Policies in your environment will not stifle your progress. The negativity in your environment will not become your lot.

Today, I speak over the womb of your tomorrow: any malfunction turns into a miracle. Let every trap that is set to hinder you tomorrow give way. Any satanic hand that wants to give you what you did not bargain for in your tomorrow, let fire answer them. What God is preparing for you will not be stopped on the way. Let the womb of your tomorrow give you accelerated speed.  When your name comes up, nobody will say no.

Henceforth, let the environment of your destiny support your advancement. I command the men in your locale to work for your good.


My environment will not work against me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalms 16: 6)

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