In our Focal Scripture, the four lepers at the gate of the city of Samaria queried the idea of sitting at the gate until death. They were not willing to die in the same place where they had suffered. They refused death from being an option to them. They refused to become victims of the famine that was in the land. They refused to become victims of situations that did not create. They refused to become victims of where they were.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every attack of the enemy that wants you to become a victim, I command it to scatter by fire. Any situation that has come to make you a victim, I command them to break by fire. Any negativity in your environment that wants to become your portion, I command it to scatter by fire. Any voice of the old that wants to make you a victim of your past, I shut up that voice by fire. You are not a victim.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: in the same places where you were about to become a victim, your good news will arise. You will not be a victim of another man’s mistake. You will not be a victim of your own mistakes. You will not suddenly go down. Your mockers and haters will not have the last laugh concerning your life. Your name will not be in the roll call of those who went down on account of adversity.
Notice that the lepers reviewed the situation and resolved that they were not ready to die. They made a choice not to be victims of what they were going through. Resolve within you not to be a victim of whatever you have been through. Make up your mind to survive every adversity the enemy might want to throw at you. Make up your mind to outlive every negativity you are currently dealing with. Decide not to be a victim.
If the lepers, left at the city gate, could choose not to die or become victims of their situation, then I decree over your life: you will not be a victim, and you will not die.