Our Focal Scripture tells the tale of when the Amalekites invaded Ziklag, a town that was given to David by the King of the Philistines. Ziklag once belonged to Israel; it was part of the territories they fought for and conquered on the way to possessing the land of Canaan (see Joshua 15 vs. 21-31). Ziklag belonged to Israel before the Philistines took over the city. It belonged to Israel before belonging to the King of the Philistines.
Notice that the children of Israel originally fought to possess Ziklag, but the same Ziklag was eventually given to David as a gift. What generations before him fought to possess, David got it as a gift. What others labored for, David got it as a gift. What others struggled for, came to David on a platter of grace. It was a possession that originally came with warfare, but for David, it was a possession that came as a gift.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: what others labour to possess, you will get it as a gift. What generations ahead of you fought to possess, you will get it as a gift. What generations ahead of you struggled to achieve, you will achieve it without any hassles. You will be counted amongst them that got their own land, not by their own might or strength, but by the favour of God. Your Ziklag will come to you as a gift.
The cycle of fighting to get what you desire, is over. You will not fight to have the resources you need. You will not fight to gain the access you need. You will not fight to gain the progress you need. You will not struggle to have stability in your home, marriage, career, business, ministry, etc. You will not be counted amongst men who simply labour for every achievement. You will not be caught in the cycle of endless labour and struggle.
Today, every struggle is replaced with favour. Every difficulty is made easy. Every rough path is made smooth. Every Ziklag is coming as a gift.