In our Focal Scripture, God told Elijah that He had commanded the ravens to feed him in Brook Cherith. Another distinctive feature of ravens, is that they are combative. Ravens ordinarily dispossess people and animals of their food. God wanted to feed Elijah, and He ordered birds that normally take other people’s food. It seemed that God positioned ravens to take from others and give to Elijah. It was a blessing of reallocation.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, God will take from others and give to you. God will cause others to lose their place and same will be given to you. Opportunities will be taken from others and will be given to you. Favours that were originally meant for others will be given to you. Clients that were originally meant for others will come to you. Open doors that were originally meant for others will be made available to you.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, thrones and crowns will be taken from others and will be given to you. Positions in high places will be taken from others and given to you. Major prospects that will fetch huge resources will be transferred from others and given to you. Major opportunities for relevance will be taken from others and given to you. May the gates of greatness that were originally meant for others be given to you.
Others would have labored to have food to eat, only for ravens to take the food to Elijah. What others labored for, came to Elijah with absolutely no labour. He literally sat down, and the ravens did the dirty work of taking what belonged to others and giving to him. I pray for you: others will do all the dirty work, and you will have results. Others will labour but you will enjoy the results. You will have results from other people’s labour.
Welcome to the season where the ‘ravens’ of this world will go to work on your behalf. Welcome to that season where the labour of others will bring your results. Welcome to that season where greatness will be taken from others and given to you.