Daily Devotional

14th April 2020

Scripture Reading: Mark 16: 1-20


“And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?” (Mark 16: 3)

As the women in our Focal Scripture approached the sepulcher where Jesus was laid, they asked themselves questions about how the stone at the door of the sepulcher will be rolled away. They threw the same question at one another, but none of them had answers. None of them had the capacity to deal with the challenge that was thrown up. All they had were questions for one another; it was from question to question.

Friend, if you throw your questions at man, chances are that you will end up with more questions rather than answers. If you put your hope in man to deal with the challenges in front of you, you just might end up with more challenges; if you put all your trust in the doctors of this world, you just might realize that when it matters most, they may not have the solution you need; the questions to man will lead to more questions.

There is a limit to what man can do for you; there are challenges that people around you cannot solve; there are situations they cannot help you out of; there are battles they cannot fight for you; there are solutions that man will be unable to provide for you; there are solutions you cannot find in your inner circle. There are questions and puzzles that the people around you will be unable to find answers to.

Instead of putting your trust in man, put your trust in God. Trust God for the challenges you face on a daily basis; trust God for the issues of life that have overpowered you; trust God for the doors that have been shut at you; trust God to deal with the opposition that wants to halt your progress; trust the help of God over and above the help of your fellow mortals.

Remember, if you keep throwing your questions at men, they just might reply you with more questions. Ask God, and He will bring you answers.


I refuse to put my trust in man, in Jesus’ name!

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“Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.” (Psalm 60: 11)

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