Daily Devotional


Not By Size

11th November 2020

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17: 1-53


“And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.” (1 Samuel 17: 33)

In our Focal Scripture, Saul gave David the reasons why he should not make any attempt to fight with Goliath. Saul reminded David of the fact that Goliath had been a man of war from his youthful days. He also reminded David of his own youth. Goliath was made to seem too big to be conquered by anyone, but in the end, David prevailed over him despite not having a sword. Saul focused on the challenge and how big it was, but David eventually gained victory over him.

Friend, stop looking at the size of your challenges; God says, no matter how big they are, you will prevail. No matter how great your challenges are, you will prevail. No matter how depressing your situation looks, you will prevail. No matter how limited you are in fighting the battles facing you at the moment, you will prevail. No matter how you look unfortunate in the face of your ‘Goliath’, you will prevail.

At some point, Goliath was described with so much detail. His armour was also described with frightening details that would deter anybody that wanted to fight him, but David arose and fought the battle and he came out victorious. If you keep paying attention to the enormity of your ‘Goliath’, you just might miss the opportunity to defeat Goliath without a spear and a sword. If you focus on the negative details, you won’t win.

David told Saul that he had slain both the lion and the bear, and that Goliath shall be as one of them. He vowed to make Goliath face the same fate that his previous challenges faced. Hear me again: there is nothing too special about the Goliath that has arisen. Make them as one of the previous challenges you already defeated. Defeat your Goliath by first seeing it as a regular challenge that can be defeated.

The days of paying attention to the negative details of the enemy, are over. Focus on God, and focus on that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. If God be for you, you will defeat your Goliath.


No matter how big my opposition is, I will win the battle, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.” (Psalm 18: 29)

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