Daily Devotional


Not In The Grave

10th June 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20


“Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:” (Mark 5: 3)

The man with the unclean spirit dwelt among the tombs. This man with unclean spirits was living in the midst of people who had died. He lived in a place where he was surrounded by dead people and deadness. He lived in a place where his immediate environment was death. Past deaths became his present reality. People’s past became his present evidence. What happened to people in the past became his present lot in life.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: anything from the past that has become your current environment, I command it to give way. Every satanic token from the past that has become a limitation on your destiny, let the fire of God consume it. Every mistake of the past that has cast a cloud of negativity over your life, let the blood of Jesus wipe it away. Every identity from the past that is affecting you today, let the blood speak on your behalf.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: every pattern of negativity from the past that has crept into your present, I command it to give way now. Every pattern of evil that you mistakenly walked into, today you are breaking out of it. Every negative history from the past that wants to repeat itself in the present, I shut the door against it. I shut your doors to every satanic manipulation from the past. I shut your doors to past afflictions.

You will not be a victim of the past. You will not be an example of one who is living in the past. You will not be covered with negativity that arose from the past. You will not be an example of one whose condition looks grave. You will not be an example of one whose destiny is in the hands of another man who has already passed on. You will not be an example of one whose spiritual atmosphere speaks death instead of life.

No new chapter of your life will be marred with old afflictions. The power of the grave will not hold sway over your future.


No power of hell or of the past will rule over my today and tomorrow, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,” (Ezekiel 37: 13)

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