Daily Devotional


Outstanding Results

18th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 12-27


“Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds.” (Luke 19: 16)

When the noble man returned from his journey of receiving a new kingdom, he ordered his servants to come and give account of their trading. The first showed up to announce that his one pound had gained ten more pounds. He was not the only one who made profit, but he excelled amongst the profitable servants. He gained results that exceeded the results of others. His results literally placed him ahead of the crowd.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you shall have results that will set you ahead of the crowd. You shall have results that will distinguish you even amongst successful people. You shall advance exceedingly to a point where you will become a reference point for proper advancements. You will be an example of that one whose one pound gained ten pounds. You will be an example of that one whose one effort opened mighty gates.

The servant that gained ten pounds was an example of one with outstanding results. Get set: in the remaining parts of this year, you shall have outstanding results. In your career, business, ministry, vocation, finances, health, etc, your results shall be outstanding. Your harvest shall be called a heavy harvest. You shall be counted amongst those whose results are far ahead of the results of others.

Every power of hell that swallows or minimizes the results of men, I command it to stay away from your results. Every policy of men that wants to make your result smaller than it ought to be, I command it to be reversed. Every strong man that says you will not have remarkable results from your efforts, let the sword of the Lord take him off your way. Let the Lord arise against the opposers of your heavy harvest.

Welcome to your season of outstanding results. Welcome to your season of heavy harvest.


My results will be outstanding; my harvest will be heavy, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.” (Psalm 85: 12)

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