Daily Devotional


Praise In The Prison

8th March 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 16: 16-39


“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” (Acts 16: 25)

Paul and Silas were both thrown into prison, their feet were tied to the stocks; but at midnight, they prayed and sang praises unto God. Their freedom was taken away, but their enemies could not shut them up. Their comfort was taken away, they had become the target of those who hated them, but their mouths could not be shut. What their enemies did could not silence them. Their circumstances could not shut them up.

Friend, even if you are currently in the worst of circumstances, never let your circumstances to silence you. Don’t allow what you have been through to silence you. Don’t allow your challenges to steal your praise. Embarrass the enemy by praising God even in the midst of all that is not okay by you. Drive the devil crazy by pushing forth your praise in the worst of storms. When the enemy tries to slow you down, heighten your praise.

The devil may shut the doors against you, but don’t let him shut your praise. The devil may afflict your body and try to make you cry, but even in your tears, let your praise go up to the heavens. Even when your prayers are not yet answered, let your praise continue to go forth. Even when your expectations have not become your reality, let your praises to God to continue unabated. Even in the prison, don’t cease to praise.

Paul and Silas continued to praise, and God came through for them. They continued to praise, and their stay in the prison ended in praise and in their favour. If you continue to praise and pray, your ‘prison’ experience will end in praise. If you don’t allow the enemy to silence you, you will have reasons, soon, to scream and shout for joy, concerning the same thing that confined you. If you keep praising, new chapters of good news will be opened.

Don’t let what is happening in your environment to hinder your praise. Don’t stop praising because of your prison.


I will keep praising even in prison; nothing will steal my praise, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34: 1)

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