Daily Devotional


18th November 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 1: 5-37


“But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.” (Luke 1: 13)

Our Focal Scripture reveals the conversation between Zechariah and the Angel of the Lord that showed up to him. The Angel told Zechariah that his prayers are heard and that Elizabeth would bear him a son. So the prayer that was answered was that of having a child. So even when Zechariah had grown old, his prayer was still to have a child. He remained focused on his expectations even when time was running out. He kept praying!

Friend, even if you think that time is running out, keep praying! Even if it looks as if God has forgotten you, keep praying; even if it seems that circumstances have ganged up against your expectations, keep praying; even if your faith is going down and you can no longer believe enough for the desires of your heart, keep praying. Keep praying for your increase; keep praying for your marriage; keep praying for fruitfulness; just keep praying.

Zechariah was not exactly praying at the time when the Angel announced that his prayers have been answered. So it was an answer that came unexpectedly. Get set: at a time when you may not be expecting your answers, heaven will cause your answers to locate you. At a time when you may think that it has become difficult for your prayers to be answered, God will show up and surprise you in ways you never imagined.

God does not store prayers; He answers them. If you keep knocking on the door of heaven with your requests and supplication, one day, perhaps when you may not be expecting it, God will show up and show off in grand style. If you don’t give up on your expectations, God will cause them to become your reality in a matter of time; if you keep praying and believing God for the things that are impossible, He will make them possible.

Don’t give up on your expectations. Stay focused on God. Stay focused on Him that is able to answer every prayer that is made according to His will. If God be for you, your prayers will be answered if you don’t give up.


I will keep praying; my prayers are answered, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5: 16)

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