Daily Devotional


Press For More

26th August 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 5: 1-11


“Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” (Luke 5: 4)

After speaking the word of the Lord to the multitudes that gathered at the Lake of Gennesaret, Jesus told Peter to launch out into the deep, and let down his net for a draught. Jesus had earlier told Peter to thrust his ship a little bit away from the land, so that He (Jesus) could speak to the multitude; but when it was time for Peter to catch fish, he was told to go into the deep. The word Peter heard in shallow waters was to be followed by a breaking forth that should happen in deep waters.

Friend, you may have heard the word of the Lord again and again, and it’s time for you to press into deep waters. Push forth beyond the comfort zone where everyone operates. Stretch your faith and take those steps that may look scary to you. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and do more than you are ordinarily comfortable with. Press into the depths of God and drink from His presence. Press into the opportunities that men fear to embrace and take what is therein.

The fishes that Peter needed were not expected in shallow waters. They were in the deep, and he needed to launch out into the deep. There are results that will never come your way in shallow waters, where your commitment, dedication, competence, sacrifice, focus, etc are in comfortable proportions, but they will become available in the deep waters of life, when you stretch yourself and do more than others are doing.

In the deep waters, there is less opposition and less competition for the results you are looking for. In the deep waters, faith is put into action for results to come forth. In the deep waters, what is not available to those in shallow waters is available. In the deep waters of God’s glory, God’s presence produces miracles and divine evidence that terminate every argument. In the deep waters, results come forth in abundance.

Stop sailing on the shallow waters of this life, and press into the deep, where your results are resident. Press beyond your comfort zone and press in for more.


I press into the deep; I press for more, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,” (Philippians 3: 13)

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