The person whose lameness was mentioned in our Focal Scripture was described as a man, lame from his mother’s womb. This was a case of lameness that began in his mother’s womb, and followed him until he became a man. This was lameness that had persisted from infancy to adulthood. This was negativity that had lasted for several years. This negativity tagged along and refused to leave. This was a clear case of prolonged negativity.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every prolonged negativity in your life ends now. Every negativity that wants to become a permanent feature in your life, I terminate it now. I command every trouble that has followed you from year to year to end now. I command every satanic affliction that wants to wreck your destiny to end now. I command every long standing struggle with negativity to end now.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: anything that is not of the Lord that has followed you from year to year, today, I issue a disconnection notice, it will not follow you again. Any struggle that men have come to identify you with perpetually, I command it to end immediately. Every satanic cycle that the enemy has set up to keep you down at the same spot from year to year, I command it to end now. Every prolonged negativity ends today and now.
If Jesus has redeemed you, then you belong to the generation that should not be followed by prolonged negativity. If Jesus has redeemed you, then you belong to the generation that should only be followed by goodness and mercy. If Jesus has redeemed you, then only the hand of the Lord should follow you from year to year. If Jesus has set you free, then you are free from the clutches of the enemy.
No longer will you be described as that one whose life is surrounded by negativity that refuses to shift grounds. The cycle of prolonged negativity in your life is broken forever.