Daily Devotional

Raised By God

22nd February 2020

Scripture Reading: Ruth 2: 15-18


“And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not:” (Ruth 2: 15)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of when Ruth was gleaning (harvesting) from the farm belonging to Boaz. Ruth was a Moabitess, she was married to Naomi’s son at the time that Naomi and her husband and sons moved to Moab; but upon the death of her husband, husband’s brother and father in law, she went back to Israel with Naomi. She refused to walk away.

Ruth had said to Naomi, “Your people will be my people, and your God, my God”. She made a choice to go with God’s people; she made a choice to follow after God, and in the process of time, her name was immortalized and a book of the bible was written in her name. Because she followed God, she became a reference point for future generations. Ruth rose from being a mere Moabitess to being part of the dynasty Jesus was born in.

Friend, if you have chosen to walk with God, get set: your life shall be immortalized; you shall become a reference point for future generations; you will be called that one that God blessed; you will be called that one that God helped; you will be called that one that heaven smiled on; you will be called that one that belongs to God; you will be called that one that heaven made relevantly; you will be called that one that shone brightly.

Orpah preferred to remain in Moab, but Ruth opted for a life with God and God’s people, and her life turned out great. She made a choice to leave the gods of Moab and follow after God, and she was included in the genealogy of Christ. As you intentionally make choices to go closer to God and stay farther from the place of unrighteousness, God will usher you into the scale of greatness that you never imagined or expected.

Choose Jesus over the unfruitful works of darkness; choose light and forsake darkness; choose life and you shall have it more abundantly.



I choose God over everything: I shall be made eternally relevant, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.” (Isaiah 60: 15)

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