Daily Devotional


Raised On Purpose

11th February 2021

Scripture Reading: Judges 4: 1-10


“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.” (Judges 4: 4)

In the verse preceding our Focal Scripture, the tale is told of how Jabin mightily oppressed the children of Israel. The next verse, being our Focal Scripture, begins with “And Deborah…”. The word ‘and’ is used as a conjunction, to connect two statements together. So there was a connection between Deborah and the oppression of the children of Israel. Deborah was raised to deal with the affliction of the children of Israel.

Friend, you were raised to spearhead the liberation of those connected to you. God pulled you up so that the people connected to you who are still in the valley can come up to the mountain. God lifted you so that through you, He could answer the prayers of others around you who seek to be lifted. God connected you to some people who are vulnerable and challenged so that their lives can be made better through you.

Deborah took up the responsibility for Israel’s liberation, and that liberation became a reality sooner than later. She took up the mantle she was raised to handle, and the people connected to her were freed from bondage. If you dare to arise and take your place as a gatekeeper in destiny, you will shield those connected to you from the satanic invaders that want to make a mess of their lives. If you arise and wage war against the enemy, your generation will get a new lease of life.

Arise; stand in the gap for your generation; grow beyond praying for yourself and start praying for those you were raised to help; rise above your personal needs and spare some moments of prayer and prophetic warfare for those around you who are laboring under the weight of satanic activities that won’t let them rise higher. Awake from every spiritual slumber and start operating like a kingdom giant who must free the captives.

Remember, Deborah was connected to that affliction, but she did not allow the affliction to remain. If there be any affliction you are connected to, don’t let it remain.


I was raised to raise my generation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.” (Isaiah 41: 15)

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