When David encouraged himself in the Lord his God, he sent for Abiathar the priest, and ordered that the ephod be brought. Abiathar was a priest, he was God’s servant, he was a gateway to the ears of God, he was one who could find out what God was saying, and in the midst of turmoil, David sent for him. In the midst of crisis, David needed someone who could access the heart of God. He didn’t need one to analyze the problem.
Friend, if you will be a solution to your generation, be a major gateway to the ears of God. Step up in the place of prayers. There is a level of relevance you will only have when you are able to get God to listen on behalf of your generation; there is a relevance you will only have when you can look beyond the circumstances of the day and seek the face of God for solutions; there is relevance if you have access to God’s ears.
David needed to take some steps before he would get back all that he lost, but first, he needed someone who could tell him what God would have him do. Your generation is interested in doing what God would have them do, and it is high time you began to connect them to what God is saying. Be the one who will intercede on behalf of your colleagues; be the one to intercede on behalf of your nation.
David was surrounded by men who wanted to stone him, but he also had one man who was a gateway to the ears of God; and in the end, he prevailed. Be the one that will help your generation to prevail; be the one that will reach the ears of God on behalf of the downtrodden around you; be the one that will attract divine intervention in the matter of men.
Don’t be counted among those that will ‘stone’ a David in distress; be counted among those who will reach the ears of God in prayers on behalf of your generation.