After Jesus was crucified, the next day was Sabbath, and by the next day after Sabbath, the women came with spices to anoint His body. The Sabbath day was a day of rest; so between the crucifixion and the resurrection, there was a day of rest. Between the sad news and the testimony, there was rest. Between the pain and the joy, there was rest. Between what looked like a setback and the miracle, there was rest.
Friend, you may still be awaiting your ephphatha moment, you may still be praying for your doors and gates to be opened, but it’s high time you relaxed. Relax from all the pressures of your pending expectations; relax from all the bad news that may have come to you already; relax from the pain and shame you may have suffered in the past; relax from every ‘crucifixion’ that has come your way. Calm your nerves as you await your resurrection’.
The day of crucifixion may have looked like the worst day there would ever be in the lives of those women; but after the day of rest, everything turned around for good. The worst gave way for the best after the day of rest. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as you rest your mind from the challenges that have besieged you, the worst will give way for the best to come. As you relax, God will take control and make all things good.
Jesus already promised that He would resurrect, and there was no point getting agitated for a promise that was already sure to happen. Don’t lose sleep when God has already committed Himself by His word. Don’t feel pressured when God has spoken a word that He is sure to fulfill. Don’t let what is yet to happen cause you to lose your mind. Don’t allow your mind to lose control because of unfulfilled expectations that will still be fulfilled.
Rely on God’s word; if God has said it, believe it, and relax. Don’t let the devil make you agitated over what God has already guaranteed.