Daily Devotional



14th April 2023

Scripture Reading: ZECHARIAH 4: 1-9


“And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof:” (Zechariah 4: 2)

It is instructive to observe that in the vision of Zechariah, the seven lamps were placed on seven candlesticks. They were not just lights, but they were positioned where they could give their light in the temple. These burning and shining lights were given proper placement. These burning and shining lights were given proper positioning. These burning and shining lights were positioned for impact and relevance.

Friend, you are that burning and shining light that heaven has positioned rightly. You are not a light under a bushel; you are a light on a lampstand. You are a light with a platform. You are that light that has been positioned in high places. You are that light with a foundation to support your shining. You are that light that heaven has positioned in a place from where your shining will reach your generation. You are a light on a stand.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: in the remaining days and months of 2023, you will be that burning and shining light with a platform. It will never be said that you do not have a platform of influence. It will never be said that you do not have a platform for relevance. It will never be said that you do not have a platform from where you can shine. It will never be said that you had capacity but no opportunity. It will never be said that you lacked platform.

Today, I pray for you: you will not lose any platform that heaven has given you. You will not lose your place. You will not lose your space. You will not be counted amongst them that once had a platform but later lost it. You will not move from relevance to obscurity. You will not move from having a place to having no place. You will remain strategically positioned, where your light will shine forth to your generation.

Welcome to your season of proper positioning. Henceforth, you will be rightly placed where you deserve to be. Grace will position you in high places.


I am rightly positioned; I walk upon my high places, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Through you I ascend to the highest peaks of your glory to stand in the heavenly places, strong and secure in you.” (Psalm 18: 33 TPT)

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