In our Focal Scripture, Saul gave David his armour to go and fight with Goliath. Given the fact that Goliath was a giant and Saul was also a very tall fellow, taller than everyone in Israel, Saul’s armour should have been a good idea to fight Goliath with. Saul’s armour should have been a perfect strategy to fight against Goliath. Saul’s armour should have been needed in the bid to defeat Goliath.
Notice that the person, who needed to wear that armour of Saul to fight against Goliath, was David. David was simply not as tall as Saul, and it made no sense to wear what he would be unable to fight with. Saul’s armour was like that perfect strategy that just wasn’t needed in that current battle between David and Goliath. It was a unique situation that made Saul’s armour useless.
Friend, beware of perfect strategies that are not needed in your current battle. Beware of perfect armour that is not needed as you approach your ‘Goliath’. Beware of the perfect advice that has the capacity to wreck your destiny if you make the mistake of taking it. Beware of the perfect strategies of the Saul’s of this world that didn’t work for them. Beware of the right recommendations that are not applicable in your situation.
It would have made sense that anyone who wanted to fight Goliath should have the sort of armour that Saul had, but in the end, David prevailed over Goliath without the help of Saul’s armour. David prevailed without the help of what would have made sense. Sometimes, that it makes sense does not mean that you need it. That it makes sense does not mean you should take that route. It’s not enough to make sense.
Ask God to grant you the wisdom to discern when the armour of Saul is not needed for your victory. Ask God to grant you the courage to do away with the ‘right’ stuff when they are not needed for your victory.