Daily Devotional

Save Your Nation

19th March 2020

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6: 24-25, 7: 1-20


“And the people went out, and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of the LORD.” (2 Kings 7: 16)

As we draw the curtain on the matter of the siege on Israel, one thing is noteworthy: the four lepers got information that not only helped them but helped the entire nation out of lack and famine. The results they got did not only work for their benefit; it worked for the benefit of the entire nation of Israel. They got a result that turned the story of the entire nation around; they got a result that wiped away the tears of an entire nation.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season and beyond, God will position you strategically to bring forth solutions that will turn the tide in the lives of people around you. God will use you to save your generation; God will use you to bring solutions that will save your nation; God will use you to bring forth solutions that will make life easier for the people around you; God will use you to make an impact that others will benefit from.

The word of the Lord sent the lepers in the right direction, and they got what would make life better for the entire nation. The word of the Lord positioned them for national impact. As you make yourself vulnerable to the word of the Lord, it will in turn make you a channel of impact to your generation. As you make yourself more open to the word of the Lord, your life will become more strategic and impactful to your generation.

The lepers were initially focused on getting the spoils of war for themselves, before they had a rethink and began to think of how their access could benefit the entire nation. They moved from being selfish to being nationalistic. It high time you rose above the mere desire to satisfy yourself and begin to think of how to satisfy people connected to you; it’s high time you stopped living for yourself alone and start living for others’ benefit.

Cease from thinking locally and start thinking globally. Ask God to empower you to save your nation; ask God to empower you to be a blessing to your generation.


I am a blessing to my generation; I save my nation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” (Matthew 5: 14)

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