Daily Devotional

No Back And Forth

Send Them Away

23rd April 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 4: 35-41


“And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.” (Mark 4: 36)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus sent the multitude away and stepped into the ship that was to carry Him to the other side. Before the crossing over to the other side could happen, He first sent away the multitude. Before the new season movement could happen, He dispersed the multitude. Before there could be a journey to the other side, there was need for the multitude to leave. The multitude was dismissed before the movement.

Friend, if you truly have a movement to make to the other side, then it’s time to send the multitude away. Send away the time wasters that have nothing to achieve. Send away the multitude of defocused people that want to distract you from your mission. Send away the multitude that has no place in your new season. Send away the multitude that wants to sink your ship in the midst of the sea. Send away the unwanted multitude.

Jesus was not going to take the entire multitude along for His movement, and He sent them away. There was even not enough space in His ship for the multitude, and He sent them away. You see the multitudes that have no place in your new season? Send them away. You see those multitudes that will become excess baggage in the ship of your crossing over? Dare to send them away before they sink you in the midst of your sea.

Jesus knew the people He needed for His journey, and He kept strictly to them when entering into the ship. He deliberately populated His ship with people He needed for His journey. Make efforts to populate your ship with the men and women you need for your journey. Be deliberate to tag along with those that have something to offer in your journey. Be intentional to keep close, those whose presence will add speed to your movement.

Remember, if they are not a part of the new season movement, send them away before they halt your movement.


Every multitude that is not needed for my journey, I send them away, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12: 1)

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