When the woman with the issue of blood met Jesus, she did not need another man. She moved from meeting many men that caused her more suffering, to meeting one Man who was the solution to her twelve-year struggle. She met a destiny helper that gave her healing without taking a dime from her. She met a destiny helper that did not say no to her desire for healing. She met a destiny helper that truly helped.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, may you receive that one man that will be the solution to your challenges. May the Lord send you a major destiny helper that will move you forward. May the Lord send you that one man that will do for you more than you can pay for. May the Lord send you that helper that needs nothing from you in order to help you rise. May the Lord send you that helper that will reposition you in destiny.
It was a chance meeting, but for that woman with the issue of blood, it was a meeting with the one Man who had the precise help that she needed. She only heard about her destiny helper, and the next thing was that she got helped by Him. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you may not know them yet, but their help will locate you sooner than later. You may not have the contact of the people you need, but God will divinely connect you to them.
Today, I pray for you: the days of meeting men that have nothing to offer, are over. The days of waiting endlessly before being connected to the men that you need their help, are over. In this new season, as soon as you need them, God will be on hand to grant you access to them. As soon as you need help, the right helpers will arise. God will send you men who will not walk away even when you offend them. You shall have sent men.
Ask the Lord to send you men who will help you until your change manifests. Ask the Lord to send you men that are truly sent.