Daily Devotional


Set Free On Purpose

3rd April 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 16: 1-9


“Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” (Mark 16: 9)

Mary Magdalene was famously a woman of easy virtue. Different scriptures and bible history point to the fact that this particular Mary was a prostitute. Her sinful life soon became a demonic stronghold that Jesus cast out seven demons from her. This same woman who had seven demons cast out of her was going to be the first to see the risen Jesus; in one breath, she was a legendary sinner, but she was delivered for a future assignment.

Friend, there is a future assignment. There is a responsibility that heaven intends to bring you to; there are new realms that heaven intends to bring you to; there are higher levels in the spiritual realm that God wants you to ascend into; there are divine opportunities that heaven wants to bring face to face with you; there are major breakthroughs that heaven has ordained for you; you may not have seen the future, but God has it all figured out.

Mary Magdalene was set free so that she could be part of a more glorious future that Jesus had ordained ahead of time. So the bondage she was dealing with was going to stop her from being part of what heaven ordained for her. If you remain stuck in the bondage of the enemy, just know that the enemy is simply disconnecting you from the glorious future that God has ordained for you; if you allow the devil to keep messing with your life, he will also mess with your glorious future.

Has Jesus already set you free? Take note that there is a future assignment; there is something glorious that Jesus wants you to be part of; there is something mightier than you that Jesus wants you to accomplish; there is a mission for you at the top; there is a divine assignment that God has cut out for you, and you will do well to look beyond your redemption and see the assignment that God has placed in your hands.

No matter how hard the enemy fights you, always remember that there is an assignment that he is fighting you for. Don’t lose the battle; break the bondage, and face your assignment.


I have been set free on purpose, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5: 1)

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