As Paul and Silas prayed and sang, God caused an earthquake, and the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately the foundations were shaken, the doors of the prison were opened, and every chain was broken. God did not need to address the chains or the doors; He simply shook the foundations, and the foundations took care of the rest. God shook the foundations, and all doors opened and chains fell off.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every foundation of your life that is reinforcing negativity, I command it to be shaken. Every foundation keeping your doors closed, longer than necessary, I command it to be shaken. Every foundation of negativity that has kept you at the same level year after year, I command it to be shaken. Every foundation of generational struggles that you are dealing with, I command it to be shaken.
By the power of God, I command every satanic foundation that is responsible for your health challenges to be shaken. I command every satanic foundation that is manifesting in your family to be shaken. I command every satanic foundation that is holding back your advancement to be shaken. I command every evil foundation that has delayed your miracles to be shaken. I command every foundation of your burdens to be shaken.
The moment God showed up and shook the foundation of the prison, even the prisoners that did not join in the prayers were freed from their chains. God shook the foundations, and freedom came the way of people who may have been lawful captives. As God shakes the foundations of the prison where you are locked up, others who are in the same chains as you will be liberated. The power of God will do a quick work.
Get set: every satanic foundation that is holding you down will be shaken by the Lord: all doors will be open, and all chains will be broken.