In the battle between Israel and the Philistines, there was a war of words. Goliath spoke words, and he spoke first. Goliath uttered words that set an agenda for the battle. Goliath spoke words that planted fear into the hearts of the armies of Israel. He spoke words that stopped them from fighting. Goliath’s words caused people who would never have noticed him to notice him. His words amplified the situation in the battle field.
Friend, no matter what happens in the battles of life, speak first. Be the first to speak words to the atmosphere; be the first to speak words to the situation you are faced with; be the first to pass declarations even when there is no negative situation; be the first to shape your future with words before the future starts to yield results that you cannot deal with; be the first to speak the words of life before the enemy unleashes negative words.
Goliath spoke of the fact that the children of Israel should give him a man to fight with, but when David showed up, he declared that he would feed Goliath’s dead body to the birds of the air. David spoke of what was yet to come. Instead of speaking of what is happening, speak of what is yet to come. Speak of the victories that are yet to come. Speak of the successes that are yet to come. Speak of the progress that is yet to come.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Even God created everything with the word of His power; and if you have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, then you belong to that generation that creates its own future by speaking the word of the Lord. If Jesus has redeemed you, you belong to that generation that shapes the future with words. You belong to that generation that cuts short negativity with words of power.
Don’t wait for the enemy to take charge of your space before you speak words to determine your fate. Speak life; speak the word; speak first.