In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist declared that the Lord anoints his head with oil, and his cup runs over. The psalmist affirmed that there was an overflow that came to his cup, and that overflow came by the oil on his head. Notice that the psalmist said that his cup ‘runs’ over. The overflow that came his way was described as a running over. The word ‘run’ connotes speed. So it was an overflow that came with speed. It was speedy overflow.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: welcome to your season of a speedy overflow. God will speedily cause your barns to overflow. The waters are rising, and your overflow is coming forth faster than you ever imagined. The Lord is causing your results to come faster than you ever expected. You are receiving speedy answers from all corners. You are entering into the realms of speedy results. Your portion is coming with speed.
Welcome to your new season of speedy increase. Welcome to that season where your clients will be in a hurry to patronize you. Welcome to that season where the helpers that God has sent to you will be in a hurry to help you. Welcome to that season where your little efforts will yield increase speedily. Welcome to that season where your prayers will be answered speedily. Welcome to that season where speed is your portion.
Chapters of speedy increase are open. Chapters of delayed expectations are closed forever. Chapters of speedy results are open. Chapters of delayed results are closed forever. Voices that speak delay to your ‘cup’, I silence them by fire. Let systems align to give you speedy increase. Let heaven align to grant you speedy increase. By the word of the Lord, let the portals of your increase be open. Let your cup literally run over.
As you receive these words, step into your speedy overflow. Step into your new season of speedy increase.