Daily Devotional

No Loss

Spread The Healing

30th September 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 52: 1-9


“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God...” (Psalm 52: 8)

It is important to observe that the leaves of the olive tree have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral qualities. What is taken out of the leaves serves as medicine. What is taken out of the leaves have the capacity to bring healing to the sick. The extract from the leaves have the ability to bring the body of a sick person back to normalcy. The leaves of the olive tree are highly medicinal, serving different medicinal purposes.

Friend, hear God’s word to you: you are like the olive tree, and you shall be a source of healing to your generation. You shall not only enjoy divine health, but you are a conduit for the healing of other people. You will be a source of healing to people around you. The healing of those who are hurting is locked up inside of you. You are the solution your generation has been waiting for. You are the healing that your nation needs.

The healing power of God within you will make you a source of joy to those who mourn. The words you speak will cause burdens to be lifted. Your words will cause the discouraged to receive encouragement. Your presence will minister life to those who are dying on the inside. Your presence will breathe life into environments that are dead. The breath of God in you and the divine healing in you should overflow to those around you.

Get set to bring healing to your family, business, finances, career, workplace, etc. Get set to bring healing and life back to places that are currently comatose. Take up the responsibility to ministering healing to everything around you and everyone around you that is dying. Use your words to heal your city; use your proclamations to heal the land; speak life to the dead places.

Your mouth a well of life to your generation. Instead of speaking words that lead to death, speak words that will bring life. Let your words minister grace to all who listen to you. Remember, the power to heal lives inside of you. Don’t allow it to lie dormant. Put it to use, and let your life heal your generation.


I am a source of healing to my generation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.” (Proverbs 10: 11)

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