Daily Devotional


Stay Close To Jesus

5th March 2019

Scripture Reading: John 11: 1-44


“Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” (John 11: 21)

In our Focal Scripture, Martha told Jesus that if He had been available, her brother Lazarus would not have died. By Martha’s assertion, Lazarus would have come out of his situation if Jesus had been close enough. By Martha’s assertion, things wouldn’t have gone so bad if Jesus had been around; things wouldn’t have become more complicated if Jesus had been around; things wouldn’t have spoilt if Jesus had been around.

Friend, there are things that will go wrong when Jesus is no longer close in your life. Things may easily go from bad to worse if Jesus is not close enough; things may become more complicated if Jesus is not close by; grounds may be lost, opportunities may go into hiding, favour may disappear into thin air, doors that should be open could be shut, and things that should be yours could be lost if Jesus is far from you.

When the devil deceives you to wander away from Jesus, he is simply getting you ready for losses you may not easily recover from. When the devil makes you take your walk with God lightly, he is simply preparing you for a new season of pain and regrets. When your prayer time is lost in the cares of this world, be careful, your Lazarus might just be about to die; when your intimacy with Jesus is weakened, danger is by the corner.

Today, make a commitment to strengthen your walk with Jesus. Take your prayer life a notch higher. Take in the word more than ever before. Let the fire of God’s Spirit in you be more fervent than it has ever been. Let your interface with Jesus be more robust and intentional. Stay close to Jesus because your life depends on that. Make Jesus your priority, and practice His presence.

Remember, Lazarus died because Jesus was not close by. Your closeness to Jesus will preserve your destiny and everything connected to you.


I choose to remain close to Jesus, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.” (Psalm 73: 27)

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