Our Focal Scripture speaks of how blind Bartimaeus sat by the highway side begging. He was blind, his movement was halted, but he sat by the highway side begging. He was in no condition to move freely on his own, but he sat by the highway where people moved freely. He sat in the environment of what was missing in his life. Everything was yet to align in Bartimaeus’ favour, but he refused to walk away from the highway.
Friend, you may still be blind and halt like Bartimaeus, but dare to remain on the highway. You may not have all your expectations met yet, you may not have your prayers answered yet, you may not have hit the targets you so desperately want to hit, you may not have your doors open yet, you may not yet have the opportunities you have been seeking, your ‘eyes’ may not yet be ‘open’, but dare to remain on the highway.
Stay on the highway of prayers; remain on the highway of consecration; stay within the environment of the next level you desire; stay within the locale of the opportunities you have been seeking; stay in the highway of faith and absolute belief in God; stay in the will of God even if it has not yet fully unfolded in your life. Stay in the pathway of Jesus even if your miracle is yet to manifest. Stay in the place where Jesus can reach you.
Did you realize that as he remained on the highway, one day, Jesus showed up, and the story of Bartimaeus changed forever? He remained on the highway, and Jesus came through for him. If you remain on the highway, in the place of Jesus’ pathway, He will show up and show off in grand style. If you remain in the place of movement, in the environment of your advancement, you will surely advance sooner than later.
Don’t allow your ‘blindness’ to keep you away from the highway. If Bartimaeus remained on the highway despite his blindness, then you too should remain on the highway.