Daily Devotional


21st June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist makes mention of how the Shepherd leads him beside the still waters. Notice that in bible times, shepherds would create a break to slow down the rushing waters, so that the sheep could drink. There are animals that can drink from flowing waters, but the sheep is unable to deal with that. The shepherd knows that the sheep cannot drink from running waters, and he calms it for the sheep.

Friend, God already knows the waters you cannot drink from. He knows the battles you do not have the strength to win. He knows the targets you do not have all the requisite capacity to hit. He knows the opportunities that may never come your way if there is no help laid for you. He knows where your strength is not enough. He knows that you may not be able to compete with the lions and bears whenever the waters are running fiercely.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: in seasons when the competitions of men would exclude you from access, the help of God will grant you access. In seasons when the waters are fierce, the Lord will calm the waters so that you can ‘drink’. In seasons when you do not have the financial muscle to prevail in the midst of ‘lions’, the Lord will cause your waters to be still so that you can have your portion. God will calm your waters so you can be safe.

Notice that running waters may carry the sheep away, but the shepherd stills the waters, for the sake of the sheep’s safety. Hear me as I hear the Lord: no matter how fierce the waters run, as surely as the Lord lives, you will not be swept away by the waters. No matter how much danger that gets in the way of your search for sustenance, you will not be swallowed. No matter how fierce the waters are, they won’t destroy you.

The same Lord that caused the waters of David to be still, will still your own waters. Where your strength is not enough like the strength of ‘lions’ and ‘deers’, the Lord will cause your waters to be stilled.


The Lord will still my waters, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” (Revelations 3: 8)

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