In the expansion plan of the sons of the prophets, every man was to take a beam. Those beams were meant to eventually become the resources that would build the house that would accommodate them. So in their next level plans, one man was to have something in his hands which would be joined to what was in another man’s hand in order to produce results. What was in one man’s hand was to connect with what was in another man’s hand so that results would become their reality.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: what you have in your hand will connect with what is in another man’s hand in order to produce results for you. The ideas in your mind will connect with another man’s vision to produce results for you; your potentials will connect with another man’s resources to yield your increase; your vision will connect with the opportunity to make you relevant; you will enjoy strategic destiny connections that will make you fruitful and relevant in your generation.
The good news for the sons of the prophets was that each man was going to be surrounded by men who had exactly what was needed for results to be made manifest. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, you will be surrounded by men who have what it takes for your results to become reality. God will position men around you who will orchestrate a chain of events that will be useful and profitable to you.
If one man got a beam and the rest had no beams, there wouldn’t have been a new house. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not be surrounded by men who have no value to add to your destiny. You will not be surrounded by men who do not have what your destiny needs to advance. You will not be surrounded by men whose presence will be counter-productive for you.
Ask God to connect what you have to what is in the hands of another man so that you can have results. Ask God to position men around you who have what you need for your next level advancement.