Saul was anointed to be captain over the Lord’s inheritance. The word inheritance as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘nachala’ which means ‘to take possession’. So Saul was anointed as that captain that had the responsibility to take possession. He was anointed as that one who should step into the Lord’s inheritance and take possession. He was not meant to only know of the inheritance; he was to take possession.
Friend, in 2020, go beyond what you know about the Lord’s inheritance and begin to take possession. Take possession of the promises of God concerning you; take possession of the promises of God for your health; possess what the Lord has made available for your family; possess your portion of the good things of this life; possess the divine provisions that are made available to you; possess your portion of the possessions.
It is one thing to have an inheritance, and it is yet another to possess same. Galatians 4 vs. 1 speaks of an heir that does not differ from a servant because he is yet a child. So that heir is unable to access the inheritance because he is a child, and has not grown. If you desire to possess your possessions in Christ this year, then it’s time to grow beyond the level where you are. Failure to grow is equal to an inheritance not accessed.
Today, I decree, you will take possession in your inheritance. You will possess your portion; you will take your place among kings and nobles; you will take your place in the heights that God ordained for you; you will take your place in the high places of this world; you will take your place in the space that God has made available for you; you will take your place and take possession.
Don’t be that heir that cannot access his inheritance. It’s time to possess what God has given.