Daily Devotional

Take The Lead

27th April 2020

Scripture Reading: Daniel 2: 1-22


“And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him.” (Daniel 2: 1)

In Daniel 1 vs. 8-12, Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s meat. He also spoke on behalf of his fellow Hebrew youths, and got the king’s eunuch to extend the same concession to them. Daniel took the lead in ensuring that they pleased God; he took the lead in initiating what was right; he took the lead in doing the right thing, and in a matter of time, he also took the lead over and above his fellow Hebrew youths.

Friend, take the lead in doing what is right. Take the lead in pleasing God. Take the lead in initiating what is right; take the lead in making a positive impact on your generation; take the lead in setting the right examples for others to follow; take the lead in making your life an inspiration for others; take the lead in adding value to your generation; take the lead in making a positive influence on those around you. Take the lead in virtues.

Daniel moved from taking the lead in abhorring the king’s meat, to being ahead of his contemporaries for their entire lifetime. If you dare to take the lead in doing what is right, God will take you into heights you never imagined you would be in. If you dare to take the lead in adding value to your generation, it would amaze you how God will cause you to rise above your contemporaries; if you take the lead, God will cause you to bear rule.

Stop waiting for others to take the lead before you follow; dare to take the lead and get others to follow you; dare to take the lead and get others to join you in doing what is right; dare to be a positive influence on people around you. Don’t wait for others to do what is right before you do it; don’t wait for others to set examples before you do the right thing.

Remember, to take the lead is to move ahead of others. To take the lead is to bear rule over your contemporaries.


I choose to take the lead in doing what is right, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.” (Proverbs 12: 24)

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