Daily Devotional


Take Your Place

7th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1: 1-28


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

Our Focal Scripture Tells The Tale Of Two Men: Saul, The Rejected King Of Israel, And David, The Chosen King Of Israel. God Had Rejected Saul, God Was Ready To Take Saul Out Of The Throne And Give Same To David; The Throne Was Meant To Be Transferred To David, But Someone Who Had Been Rejected Still Occupied It. The Throne Was Meant To Be David’s Inheritance, But Someone Unauthorizedly And Defiantly Held On To It And Wouldn’t Let Go.

Friend, Hear Me As I Hear The Lord: Any Man Who Is Currently Occupying The Throne That God Has Destined For You, Let That Man Be Unseated Now. I Drive Out Every Evil Man Occupying The Space That God Has Allotted To You; I Drive Out Every Man Who Is Holding On To The Opportunities That God Has Destined For You; I Push Out Every Illegal Occupant Of Your Position; I Chase Away Every Man Who Is Delaying Your Ascendancy To The Throne.

You Will Enter Every Space That God Has Created For You; You Will Fill Every Vacancy That Heaven Created For You; You Will Occupy Every Throne That Heaven Created For You; You Will Take Up Every Appointment That God Orchestrated For You; You Will Enter Into That Position That Has Your Name On It; Heaven Will Not Create A Vacancy For You And Another Man Will Take It On Your Behalf; No Throne Designed For You Should Be Occupied By Another.

Saul Knew That He Had Been Rejected By God, He Knew That David Had Been Anointed To Take His Place, He Even Warned His Son Jonathan About David’s Impending Rise To The Throne, Yet He Never Walked Away From The Throne Until He Died. Saul Did Not Willingly Leave The Throne For David Until Death Came Calling. If They Have Refused To Release The Throne That God Designed For You, May God Raise Battles For Them That Will Take Them Away.

Get In The Place Of Prayer, And Chase Out Every Man That Is Occupying The Place And Space That God Has Prepared For You. Don’t Concede Your Space To Any Impostor.


Every Man Occupying My Throne, I Dethrone You By Fire, In Jesus’ Name!

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“For A Great Door And Effectual Is Opened Unto Me, And There Are Many Adversaries.” (1 Corinthians 16: 9)

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