Daily Devotional

Territorial Spirits

23rd May 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20


“And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.” (Mark 5: 10)

The unclean spirits that Jesus was about to chase out of the man at the tombs, pleaded with Jesus that He should not send them out of the country. They were willing to leave the man but wanted to remain within the same country where they afflicted the man. They wanted to remain in the same locale to continue their satanic operations. They wanted to remain in the same territory. They were territorial demons.

When territorial demons show up, they may be willing to leave your health but they will swiftly move into your finances. When you chase them out of your business, they want to come to your house and continue with their activities. When a territorial spirit shows up, it wants to fulfill a satanic agenda within a locale. When a territorial demon shows up, it wants to create the same cycle of negativity in the same place.

Today, hear me as I hear the Lord: every territorial spirit hanging around you, I command it to get out by the fire of the Lord. Every territorial spirit that has come to stay within your locale, I command it to get out now. Every spirit that was sent to wreak havoc in your family and amongst your family members, I command them to get out now. Every demon that was specially dispatched to you, I send them parking now.

Jesus did not redeem you so that your life can be inhabited and policed by territorial demons. Today, arise in prayers against every demon that says it has come to stay in your life. Unleash the fire of heaven against them. Unleash the tongues of the Spirit against them. Chase them out by the power of God. Refuse to give them space. Refuse to allow them to thrive around you. Refuse to allow them to build a seat of Satan in your destiny.

The days of allowing the same demons to have fun while making a mess of your life, are over. Take charge of your space; chase out every territorial demon.


Every territorial demon operating around me, your time is up; get out now, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!” (Ephesians 4: 27 TPT)

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