Daily Devotional

You Have A Space

The King’s Replica

24th November 2022

Scripture Reading: Genesis 37: 3-9


“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.” (Genesis 37: 3)

In Old Testament times, leaders of tribes wore a coat of many colours. Jacob as leader of his tribe probably wore such a garment; and in a matter of time, he made one for Joseph. Traditionally, Jacob was simply conferring the right of succession on Joseph. So for Joseph to succeed Jacob, he needed to wear the same garment that Jacob wore. There needed to be some commonality between Joseph and Jacob prior to succession.

Friend, if you will live in the fullness of Divinity, you need to share commonalities with God. If you have to be all that God desires you to be, then you have to really start to look like God inside and out. If you have to manifest exactly who God wants you to be, God’s nature needs to overtake your human nature. If you remain at variance with God’s image, you may not become all that he destined you to be. If your identity is a departure from God’s identity, you are simply missing the mark.

God is a truthful God, but if He finds falsehood in you, you are making it difficult for Him to release your portion to you. God is the light of the world, but if He finds darkness in you, there will be a disconnect. God is a righteous God, but if He finds unrighteousness in you, you may have succeeded in disqualifying yourself from your new season. God has core values, and if He can’t find same core values in you, your new might be elusive.

You cannot claim ascension to the throne that God has destined for you when you are descending from the principles, values and standards of God. Dare to wear the same ‘dress’ as God. Be like God. Embrace God’s identity. Align yourself with the Spirit of God so that the fruit of the Spirit will be made manifest in you. Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you. Discard anything that is in conflict with the identity of Jesus that you bear.

When the chips are down, you have a God to please and a throne to occupy. Let God see Himself in you, and He will bring you to your throne.


I am made in God’s image; I am made for more, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” (John 15: 4)

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