In Old Testament times, the most prominent mention of Jericho pertained to the wall of Jericho and how it fell (see Joshua 6). Jericho was famous for negativity. Jericho was famous for something that was not good. Notice that in our Focal Scripture, Jesus came to Jericho, where He later healed blind Bartimaeus. Jesus did something really good in Jericho. Jesus came to Jericho and caused it to be remembered for a good thing.
Friend, you may have a Jericho with a negative history, but God is causing a new thing to arise from your Jericho. God is causing a new history to replace your past negative history. God is causing a new thing to come forth from the past negative experiences you once had. God is causing a new miracle to arise from the same ‘Jericho’ that caused you pain in the past. God is causing your old waste places to bring forth new miracles.
Bartimaeus became the reference point in the new thing that Jesus did in Jericho. Jesus literally used Bartimaeus to change the negative history of Jericho. Today, I pray for you: may the Lord use you to change the history of your family. May the Lord use you to announce your city. May the Lord use you to put your family name on the global stage. May the Lord use you to put your nation in the news for the right reasons.
God is setting aside the old in order to establish the new. God is rolling away every past negative history in order to create a new history that will make men smile. God is causing a new thing to come forth from the sepulchers of pain around you. God is setting aside what didn’t work in the past in order to bring you new things that will work for you. God is sending you relationships, opportunities, new doors, etc. that will change your story.
The old has gone; the new has come. The chapters of your divine upgrade are opened. You have moved from the negative to the positive.