Daily Devotional

The New Jerusalem

24th March 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 17: 11-19


“And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.” (Luke 17: 11)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. Like we earlier observed, John saw a revelation of a New Jerusalem in his vision as recorded in Revelations 21. John’s revelation was referring to the redeemed who would reign with Christ. It was a vision about life after the white throne judgement. It was a vision about life after the present life. It was a vision about life after the current life on earth.

Friend, glean some wisdom: there is a life after this present life; there is a life where you could either reign with Christ, or be thrown into the lake that burns with fire; there is a life that will be a reward to them that have chosen to live for Christ in this present life; there is a New Jerusalem that will be your abode if you hold on to God and live for Him all the way; there is a life that matters more than this current life here on earth.

In the midst of the distractions of this world, keep eternity in view. Keep in view the reality of the New Jerusalem where you will reign and rule with Christ. Keep in view the reality that one day, your sojourn in the Old Jerusalem will come to an end, and you would need to be in the number that is billed to dwell with Christ in the New Jerusalem. Keep in view that one day, you would have to transit from mortality to immortality.

Any one who has the hope for the New Jerusalem purifies himself, even as God Himself is pure. Any man whose eyes are on the New Jerusalem does not live as if life begins and ends here on earth. Any man who desires to reign with Christ knows that hope does not begin and end with what happens in this life. Any man who desires the New Jerusalem knows that the earth is a passing phase that will expire sooner than later.

Live like one who is preparing to reign with Christ; live like one who desires to be in the New Jerusalem.


I am redeemed; I shall dwell in the New Jerusalem and reign with Christ, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3: 2)

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