When Jericho was shut up, no one could go in and no one could come out. Status quo was maintained in Jericho. Whoever was outside remained outside; whoever was inside remained inside; Jericho was meant to be an inheritance for the children of Israel, but they could not have access to it. They could have had other inheritances to possess, but if they missed Jericho, their future generations would have to come back to fight for it.
Friend, if there be any ‘wall of Jericho’ in your life, I command it to fall now. I command every satanic wall standing against you to go down; I command every limitation surrounding you to go down; I command every health challenge hanging around in your family to go down; I command every generational limitation to go down; I command every negative repetition to end immediately; I command the walls to fall.
The children of Israel could have found other ways to bypass Jericho and possess other territories, but they faced the challenge and the walls fell down. Instead of leaving the walls for their children, they dealt with it and saw its end. Don’t leave any wall of Jericho for your children to deal with; if it be a negative pattern, defeat it in your lifetime through prayers; if it be a roadblock, remove it before it hinders those coming after you.
Because Jericho was shut up and people could not go in or out, things remained the same. Things that could have changed remained the same. No longer shall it be said that things remained the same in your life. Your path shall shine brighter and brighter; your life will get better and better; the things that are already good will improve again and again; the things that need to change for the better will change without delays.
Get set: the walls are falling; the gates are opening; status quo is breaking; you are on your way into your possession.