Daily Devotional


10th May 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 KINGS 17: 1-16


“2. And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 3. Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.” (1 Kings 17: 2, 3)

After Elijah decreed that there would be famine in Israel, the word of the Lord came to him and ordered him to move to Brook Cherith. If Elijah failed to move in the direction of the word of the Lord, what happened to others was going to happen to him. God needed to take Elijah to a new environment where the famine in Israel will not affect him, and He sent a word to direct Elijah. The word of the Lord became Elijah’s compass.

The word of the Lord became Elijah’s escape route. The word of the Lord pointed him to what others could not see. The word of the Lord made a way for him when others had no way. The word of the Lord created abundance when others were in lack. The word of the Lord brought a turnaround when others were stagnated. The word of the Lord provoked major changes in his life when others were witnessing evil and negativity.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: by reason of the word of the Lord, you will find a way where others find no way. By the reason of the word of the Lord, you will escape from evil; you will escape from stagnation; you will escape from setbacks; you will escape from misfortunes; you will escape from the negativity in your environment; you will break out from the limitations around you; the word of the Lord will move you forward.

The word of the Lord shall be your escape. The word of the Lord shall orchestrate your rising. The word of the Lord will turn your situation around. The word of the Lord will change your story. The word of the Lord will chart a new course for you. The word of the Lord will trigger uncommon congratulations. The word of the Lord will cause new doors and gates to be opened to you. The word of the Lord will cause new chapters to open to you.

No matter the dryness around you, focus on the word of the Lord, and it will point you to an escape route.


The word of the Lord will order my steps out of negativity, in Jesus’ name!

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“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119: 105)

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