In Exodus 4 vs. 14, God had specifically selected Aaron to be Moses’ mouthpiece. Whatever God told Moses, it was Aaron’s responsibility to convey same to the people. Aaron had the job given to him by God. Aaron’s priesthood was instituted by God. There was a word over the life of Aaron; so when the opposition against Aaron arose, it was an opposition against a man who had a word of the Lord over his life.
Friend, go and announce to those who are planning to oppose you this year, that there is a word of the Lord over your life. If you have embraced Jesus, then you operate under the atmosphere of God’s word over your life. There is word concerning those doors that must open for you this year. There is a word concerning your safety. There is a word concerning your increase. There is a word concerning your next level.
Those that gathered against Moses and Aaron got what they did not bargain for. They thought they came to fight against their fellow men from the tribe of Levi, but God took it personal and caused the ground to open up and swallow them. Hear me as I hear the Lord: those that are planning to fight against you this year are in for surprises that they didn’t bargain for. God will show up and fight them until they retrace their steps.
When God speaks a word, He is more than able to watch over it until it is fulfilled. When God speaks a word concerning a man, that man may not even be perfect, but God will fight for him all the same. When God fights your opposition, it is not necessarily because of you; it is all about the sanctity of the words He has spoken concerning you. When God speaks concerning you, He has enough options to deal with the opposers of His word.
Focus on the word of the Lord concerning your life, and forget the opposition against you. If God be for you, nothing will tamper with His word for your life.