In our Focal Scripture, the Angel of the Lord said to Gideon, “Go in this thy might”. Gideon was going to move with might that was described as ‘this’ thy might. It was not a might from the past. It was not a yesterday’s might. It was might that he possessed at that moment. It was capacity that was resident in him as the Angel spoke to him. It was might that had not expired. It was might that was still available in his inner man at that moment.
Friend, if you will go into the new realms of influence that God has destined you for, then you will need to go in ‘this thy might’. You need your current strength in order to make progress. You need today’s strength in order to advance and take the gates of the enemy. You need today’s prayer altar in order to conquer the gates of hell. You need your current walk with God in order to break the chains of the enemy.
Gideon was not going to rely on strength that had since expired. He was not going to rely on expired strength. Your journey to your new season requires the strength you possess in the now. It is not a journey for yesterday’s strength. It is not a journey for exploits from the past. It is not a journey that needs your seriousness with God in time past. It is a journey that is placing a demand on your current state of strength.
Gideon may have had great might from the past, but he needed ‘this thy might’ in order to deliver the children of Israel from the hands of the Midianites. His next exploit depended on the strength and might he had at that moment. Don’t be counted amongst men whose strength belongs to the past. Don’t be counted amongst men who boast of yesterday’s strength but are empty in their today.
Remember, before Gideon could go, he possessed ‘this thy might’. He possessed a now strength before he could defeat the Midianites. Run a check on your now strength. Confirm that you are not operating with yesterday’s might.