Daily Devotional

trans-generational blessings - Jerry Eze

Trans-generational blessings

16th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“and the lord said unto samuel, how long wilt thou mourn for saul, seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, i will send thee to jesse the bethlehemite: for i have provided me a king among his sons.” (1 samuel 16: 1)

in our focal scripture, god sent samuel to bethlehem to anoint a new king. david would eventually be the king that was to be anointed by samuel. god sent samuel to anoint one king, but in the end, the king that was anointed had a son who also became king; and it soon became a dynasty that would last from generation to generation. something good came to bethlehem, and that good thing remained for a long time to come.

friend, hear me as i hear the lord: every good thing that god brings your way will remain even unto your future generations. whatsoever divine deposit that god has made in you shall become an inheritance for your future generations; whatsoever doors that god opens for you will remain open to those coming after you; whatsoever the lord has begun in you and with you will remain unto those coming after you.

samuel merely came to bethlehem, anointed david, but the good thing he came with did not only come to david; it also came to those who were yet to be born. hear me as i hear the lord: you will receive generational gifts that will become resident in your bloodline; you will receive so much that you cannot ordinarily consume, and you will have no option but to leave some behind; the good things that come your way will be generational.

no good thing will stop on the way in your family; no good news will end with you; whatsoever god has begun shall remain and continue; your open doors will not be interrupted; your favours will not be interrupted; your greatness will continue unabated; your distinction and relevance will remain for several generations to come; if the lord has started it, no devil and no power of hell can hinder or stop it.

ask the lord to cause your greatness and your good news to become trans-generational; ask the lord to cause your generation to be established in positivity.


My generation is established; every good thing the lord has done will continue, in jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“but the mercy of the lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;” (psalm 103: 17)

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