Daily Devotional

Turn Water To Wine

24th June 2022

Scripture Reading: John 2: 1-11


“And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.” (John 2: 6)

It is instructive to observe that when Jesus was called upon to help salvage the situation in the wedding at Cana of Galilee, it was a situation of wine that had finished. The couple apparently, still had more than enough water, but they no longer had wine. They still had what everyone could easily get, but the need was for wine. Notice that they eventually put water in the pots, and Jesus converted same into wine.

Friend, did you know that your generation already has water, but is seeking men to convert same to wine? Did you know that your generation has what it has already seen, but is seeking for men who can convert what they have to what they need? Did you know that your generation is in dire straits, seeking for men who are carriers of the grace that can convert water into wine? Did you know that your generation is done with water?

Today, I pray for you: may you become the bearer of that anointing that will convert water to wine. May you become a carrier of that grace that takes what your generations has, and produces what your generation truly needs. May you become a carrier of that ability to take what is available and convert same to what is needed. May you be that one that will bring forth the solutions that your generation is crying for.

The wine in that wedding in Cana finished when the party was yet to finish. So it had become a party that had something missing. Did you know that despite the party that is still on around you, there is a lot that is missing? Your generation is counting on you to bring forth that which is missing. Your generation is waiting for you to bring those results that will change their story. Your generation is waiting for what you can bring forth.

Don’t be counted amongst them that give their generation water when what is needed is wine. Stop giving your generation what they used to need. Give them what they need now.


I will not give my generation what they used to need; I will turn water to wine, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” (Romans 8: 19)

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