Daily Devotional

Don’t Go Down

20th October 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“And When Herod Would Have Brought Him Forth, The Same Night Peter Was Sleeping Between Two Soldiers, Bound With Two Chains: And The Keepers Before The Door Kept The Prison.” (Acts 12: 6)

In our Focal Scripture, Peter was asleep in prison, between two soldiers. It was not just that Peter was in bondage; he was also asleep. Peter’s senses had gone numb in sleep. So even if help was to locate him, he was too sleepy to notice. Even if the gates of the prison were flung open, he was too sleepy to notice. Even if the situation in prison got worse and he needed to escape, sleep wouldn’t allow him to move. Peter was not sensitive to what was happening around him, because of sleep.

Friend, it is bad enough to be in a destiny prison, but don’t make the mistake of losing your sensitivity. Don’t be insensitive to the hour of your visitation. Don’t be insensitive to pass by the human help that God positioned on your pathway. Don’t be insensitive to the leadings of the Spirit of God. Don’t be insensitive to the new season that God is bringing your way. Don’t be insensitive to the change that God wants you to make. Don’t be insensitive no matter the prison you are in.

Peter was sent help from heaven, in the form of an angel, but he had to be woken up before he could see the angel. He needed to wake up before he could discern the help that heaven sent to him. If you fail to wake up, you may never notice the new gates that heaven has opened for you. If you fail to wake up, you may not even access the divine help that has been positioned around you. If you fail to wake up, how will you see your angel?

Today, I pray for you: may the Lord wake up your sensitivity; may the Lord wake up your consecration; may the Lord wake up your prayer fire; may the Lord wake up your efficiency; may the Lord wake up your giftings and capacities; may the Lord wake up the divine deposits that have been lying fallow within you; may the Lord wake up your greatness; may the Lord wake up your passion for Jesus; may the Lord awaken you from your slumber.

Ask the Lord to awaken your sensitivity. Ask the Lord to make you sensitive to His voice and His leading. Ask the Lord to cause your ears to be open to hear and your eyes open to see. Ask the Lord to cause you to be awakened from every sleep of the spirit man.


I will not lose my spiritual sensitivity, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5: 14)

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