In our Focal Scripture, Zechariah speaks of how the angel that talked with him came again and woke him up as a man is awakened out of his sleep. Zechariah had seen a vision in the previous chapter; but his new vision needed him to be awakened. His new vision was on a higher level that he needed to be awakened for it. He needed to be roused to see the new thing that God was showing. He needed to be awakened into the new.
Friend, you may not arrive the new season that God has ordained for you if you remain in the old. You need to be roused from your old season. You need to be awakened out of your old waste places. You need to rise from where you have previously settled. Rise from your comfort zone. Rise from those levels and heights that you are already familiar with. Rise from the environment of your old season. Rise from the old and embrace the new.
Zechariah’s new season made the old season look like sleep. The new thing that God was about to show Zechariah was on another level compared to where he had been. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the new thing that God is birthing in your life will make your old season seem like you were sleeping. God is opening your eyes to new things that will make your old season seem irrelevant. God is unveiling that phase that will overshadow the old.
When the Lord wakes you up, you just might realize that where you are, is not where you should have been. When the Lord wakes you up on a higher level, you just might realize that what you have been celebrating as success is simply mediocrity in disguise. When the Lord wakes you up, the size of your vision increases. When the Lord wakes you up, you will see more than you have ever seen. When the Lord wakes you up, you will see more.
Ask the Lord to awaken you to your higher level. Ask the Lord to rouse you from every old level that you ought to have left.