Daily Devotional


15th July 2022

Scripture Reading: Judges 16: 1-25


“And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.” (Judges 16: 19)

When Delilah got Samson to reveal the details of his consecration and how that she might make him become weak, she made him sleep off on her knees; and while he slept, she shaved off the seven locks of his hair. Samson slept off, and his greatness was taken away from him. He slept off, and his greatness was undermined. He slept off, and the foundations of his greatness was compromised. Sleep deeply undermined Samson.

Friend, don’t sleep off when destiny matters are being decided. Don’t sleep off as others are possessing doors and gates. Don’t sleep off at your duty post. Don’t sleep off when you ought to be watchful. Don’t sleep off while the enemy ravages your destiny and your locale. Don’t sleep off while others are laboring in prayers and the word of God. Don’t be caught sleeping as the enemy is making plans to reduce or extinguish your destiny.

Notice that Samson did not only sleep off at the wrong time; he also slept off on the laps of Delilah. He slept off on the laps of the one who was actively working to undermine his greatness. Even if you are wearied by the events of life and you want to sleep off, don’t make the mistake of sleeping off on the laps of ‘Delilah’. Don’t sleep off in the environment of your destruction. Don’t sleep off in the zone of your destiny opposition.

Today, be roused from your sleep. Wake up in the area of your walk with God. Wake up in your consecration. Wake up in your prayer life. Wake up in your passion and devotion to God. Wake up from every slumber that has made you slow down. Wake up from every laziness of the body and of the spirit man. Wake up from every sleep on the laps of a Delilah. Wake up and rise from every relationship that wants to take you down.

It’s okay to be tired, but it is definitely not okay to put your head on the laps of Delilah. It is better to be asked to slow down than to be asked to wake up. Arise from your sleep, break away from your slumber


I arise from every destiny sleep; I will not sleep on the laps of any Delilah, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5: 14)

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