Daily Devotional

Walk In Authority - By Jerry Eze

Walk In Authority

15th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

Our Focal Scripture Speaks Of The Moment When God Told Samuel To Go To Bethlehem And Establish A New Dynasty Through David. The Word ‘Bethlehem’ Means ‘House Of Bread’; So God Sent Samuel To ‘House Of Bread’, But The Mandate Was For Him To Anoint A New King. It Was Not Going To Be All About ‘Bread’ Or ‘Place Of Bread’; It Was A Mission To Plant A New Man Into The Realms Of Authority; It Was A Mission To Position A Man On A Higher Level.

Friend, Hear Me As I Hear The Lord: You Are Moving From Having Ordinary ‘Bread’ To Being In Charge And In Authority. God Is Positioning You In The Pathway Of Relevance; God Is Planting Your Feet In The Pathway Of Influence; God Is Positioning You To Move Into The Corridors Of Power; God Is Positioning You To Break Out Of Limits That Held You Down In Time Past; God Is Positioning You To Take Charge And Take Over.

If You Keep Eating Bread, Without Being Positioned In Authority, You Could Become A Victim Of Someone Else Who Is In Authority. If You Are Not Positioned With Authority And Influence, Other People Will Use Their Own Authority To Subdue You And Make You A Victim. If Your Eyes Are Focused On Bread, But Not Focused On Power, You Will End Up Living Below The Potentials And Potentialities That God Endowed You With.

Jesus Did Not Redeem You So That You Can Have Bread But Be Bereft Of Authority; Jesus Redeemed You And Planted You In Authority; Jesus Redeemed You And Put Power In Your Hands. Live Like One Who Has Authority In Christ; Live Like One Whose Words Have Power; Live Like One Who Has Authority Over His Environment; Live Like One Whose Destiny Is Not Designed To Be A Victim; Live Like One Who Has Divine Authority To Prevail And Dominate.

Discover Or Rediscover The Authority You Have In Christ, And Use It. You Were Made To Live And Walk In Authority; You Were Not Made Just To Eat Bread Alone.


I Walk In Authority, In Jesus’ Name!

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Memory Verse

“And I Will Give Unto Thee The Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven: And Whatsoever Thou Shalt Bind On Earth Shall Be Bound In Heaven: And Whatsoever Thou Shalt Loose On Earth Shall Be Loosed In Heaven.” (Matthew 16: 19)

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