Daily Devotional

Walk In Authority - By Jerry Eze

Walk In Power

17th November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.” (Matthew 14: 25)

As Jesus’ disciples began the journey to the other side, Jesus went into a mountain apart to pray. At the fourth watch of the night, Jesus showed up walking on the sea. Jesus was walking on the same sea that wanted to sink the ship that carried His disciples. He walked on the same challenge that wanted to reduce others to nothing. He walked on the same troubles that dominated others.

Did you realize that prayer was the last thing Jesus did before He began to walk on water? Did you realize that after speaking to His Father, the raging sea was no longer a challenge to Him? Did you realize that prayer empowered Him to do what others who were not praying couldn’t do? Did you realize that prayer put Him above the same struggles that held others back? Did you realize that prayer caused Him to walk in power?

Friend, if you have never taken prayers seriously, now is the time to change. Pray until you are loaded with the power of God; speak to God until His glory rubs off on you; speak to God until your voice begins to scare the very things you are currently scared of; pray until you become a carrier of the manifest presence and power of God; pray until God plants more and more of Himself in you; pray until you walk in power, and keep praying still.

As you grow your power base in the place of prayer, the things that subdued others will be subdued under your feet; as you walk in power, what stopped others will not stop you, what hindered others will not hinder you, what made a mess of others will not mess up your destiny, what opposed others will bow to you, what reduced others will not reduce you, and you will ride high over every storm that has come against you.

Don’t be a child of God that lacks the power of God. Be like Jesus; pray until you exude the power of God.


I will pray until I carry and exude the power of God, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5: 16)

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