In our Focal Scripture, Elisha asked the wife of one of the sons of the prophets about what she had in her house. That widow needed divine intervention, and Elisha began by asking for what she had in her house. So, what she was about to receive from the hand of the Lord was tied to what she already had in her house. What God was about to do for her was tied to what she already had in her house.
Friend, what God is about to do for you is tied to what you have in your ‘house’. Your next level is tied to that skill, ability, vision, idea, competence, etc you have in you. Your open gates are tied to what you have in your house. The capacity you have in you is about to become a platform for the new thing God will do in your life. Who you have become in this season is tied to where God will position you soon. What you have in your house is crucial.
When the Lord decides to make new things happen in your life, will He find righteousness, commitment, dedication, consecration, prayers, word, compassion, excellence, passion, consistency, etc? What will God find in you that is good enough to be a raw material for what He is about to do for you? What is that pot of oil in your house that will lead to your increase? What can you offer in order to become more?
Did you realize that the Prophet Elisha did not start by proclaiming what God was about to do for that woman? He began by asking for what she could contribute to make her next level happen. What can you contribute to make your next level happen? What can you do to attract the relevance you desire? What capacity do you have in you that can attract the kings of this world?
If you have nothing in your house, you are making a destiny mistake, and you just might end up empty handed in destiny. Populate your ‘house’ with what can birth your increase and next level.