In our Focal Scripture, Elijah girded up his loins in order to run speedily into Jezreel. To gird up one’s loins is to tuck in one’s garment into a girdle worn around the waist region. The waist region is symbolic of productivity and procreation; so Elijah tightened the place of his productivity before he began his journey into Jezreel. He worked on his productivity before he could achieve the feat of running ahead of Ahab into Jezreel.
Friend, it’s high time you worked on your productivity. Improve on your skills; improve on your abilities; work on your work ethics; tighten the loose ends of the processes that should yield your results; improve on your commitment, consistency, dedication, focus, precision, passion, drive, etc; work on those areas of your life that are getting in the way of the outstanding results you are wired to produce. Work on your processes.
It was not an accident that Elijah was able to overtake a man who was on a chariot. He worked on his productivity, and his result turned out better than the result of a man who was relying on chariots and horses. If you work on your productivity, you will do better than those who are relying on their chariots and horses. If you work on your productivity, you will achieve uncommon feats that would have been otherwise impossible.
No matter what happens, never play down on the place of your productivity. Don’t join the company of those who can afford to take everything for granted; don’t join those who are not intentional about taking steps that will aid their results; don’t join the company of those who think there is enough time to arrive at ‘Jezreel’; don’t be counted among those who think that the rains will wait for them to walk slowly to Jezreel.
Work on your productivity; improve on your skills; pay attention to the timing of your efforts, and you will hit your destination in record time.